Victory for Florida’s Future: Why the Rejection of Amendment 3 Matters for Public Health and Safety

We are pleased that Amendment 3 did not pass, reflecting the shared concerns of many Floridians about the risks of legalizing recreational marijuana. We’re especially proud to have been part of the Don’t Let Florida Go to Pot coalition that worked tirelessly at the grassroots level to educate our communities on the potential impacts of legalization and are extremely grateful to Governor DeSantis and Florida’s First Lady for their leadership.

This outcome emphasizes the value our state places on protecting public health, safety, and the well-being of our youth and families. S.O.S. remains committed to raising awareness about the risks of marijuana use, including its effects on developing brains, impaired driving, and addiction. We’re grateful for everyone’s support in this important effort and look forward to continued collaboration for a safer, healthier, and drug-free Florida.