S.O.S. Drug Policy Newsletter & Legislative Updates

Heroin: Now The Leading Cause Of Death In Americans Under 50

By Ritchie Farrell 06/06/2017 The Unites States of America is facing the worst health care crisis of our nation’s history. Over the past two-year period, more Americans died of opiate addiction than died in the entire Vietnam War. Drug overdoses now cause more deaths than gun violence and car crashes. In fact, accidental opioid overdoses…
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S.O.S. Applauds Veto of “Whiskey and Wheaties” bill

Save Our Society From Drugs (S.O.S) applauded the decision of Florida Governor Rick Scott to veto SB 106. The so-called “Whiskey and Wheaties” bill would have allowed Walmart and other big box stores to sell liquor alongside cereal, diapers, and back to school goods, reducing the perception of harm.
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Budget Document Seeks Almost 95 Percent Cut for ‘Drug Czar’ Office

By Steven Nelson May 5, 2017 The White House “drug czar” would see an almost 95 percent reduction in its office’s funding under a budget proposal drafted by the Office of Management and Budget. The cuts would eliminate the two large grant programs managed by the Office of National Drug Control, along with a substantial…
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