Amy Ronshausen, Executive Director of Drug Free America Foundation and Save Our Society From Drugs, wrote the following open letter to Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the members of the Ohio State Legislature, in reaction to the recreational marijuana ballot initiative passing in the state.
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Canada to Allow People with Mental Illness Including Substance Use Disorder to Die Under the MAID Law
Instead of providing support and hope for individuals with a mental illness or substance use disorder, Canada is providing them the means to pursue their death through the medical assistance in dying (MAID) law starting in March 2024.
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Florida’s Battle Against ‘Gas Station Heroin’ and Synthetic Cannabinoids: A Crucial Crackdown on Deadly Substances
Florida officials are cracking down on the sale of a highly addictive and deadly substance found in gas stations and convenience stores.
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151% Increase in hospitalization costs for severe vomiting and nausea from marijuana use after MA legalizes marijuana
Chronic marijuana users are at risk of developing a condition called Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome, also known as CHS. Patients with CHS experience severe and continuous vomiting and abdominal pain attributed to their marijuana use.
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