We work to educate our nation's lawmakers and activate grassroots anti-drug coalitions to promote polices that enhance community health and safety.

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You can support S.O.S. by taking action on pending drug policy issues and your financial donations allow us to continue our efforts to ensure sound drug policy.

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333 3rd Ave. N. #200
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Press Information/Contact:
S.O.S. Drug Policy Newsletter & Legislative Updates
Key Trends and Takeaways from Drug-Related Deaths in Florida
The 2023 Medical Examiners Commission Drug Report has been released, offering key insights into trends and findings from the analysis of drug-related deaths in Florida.
Read moreNew DEA Resources
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has unveiled the latest edition of Drugs of Abuse, A DEA Resource Guide—a trusted resource detailing the most commonly used and misused drugs in the United States.
Read moreVictory for Florida’s Future: Why the Rejection of Amendment 3 Matters for Public Health and Safety
We are pleased that Amendment 3 did not pass, reflecting the shared concerns of many Floridians about the risks of legalizing recreational marijuana.
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